Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crazy Days!

Some pretty crazy things have been going on in the Dunklee house lately! Check it out:
A 2-headed, 4-armed, 4-legged, very scary creature has taken up residence....
Julee willingly played along with Alexis' take over the world scheme (she does a great dead act doesn't she?)
Princess Valentine took over the Playstation & won't give it back!
One very crazy kid is obsessed with the camera & actually takes a pretty great self-portrait!


dhillman said...

Looks like loads of fun. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Gretchen said...

Glad your having some fun during with cold winter spill. The 4 legged, 4 armmed, 2 headed monster made me laugh, and the stuff animal taking over the PS2.

Mary Jane said...

I am not too sure about a house with monsters and a monkey princess but the rest of the household - wonderful! Fun is such a good thing. Grandma says I LOVE YOU ALL! Come see us soon.