Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drill Sergeant-1; Recruits-2

Since Rick and I are in get fit mode, he decided to get the girls in on the action. Every evening after we read scriptures and have family prayer, it's push-up time. Alexis is totally INTO it and Julee is totally NOT! The first night Alexis wanted to try and do 100 but we made her stop at 10. Julee, on the other hand, agreed to start with 1. She is now up to 10 and much stronger than she thinks she is. Surprisingly (or not), mom is stuck with KP duty.....
1 drill sergeant, 2 drill sergeant....
An extra work out for the drill sergeant
This recruit is DONE


Mary Jane said...

I love these pictures - It is so good to see everyone enjoying/working at doing something good - how very blessed you all are. I think by the end of this year we are not going to recognize each other because we are all going to be so much healthier (and hopefully thinner).
Love you lots! Mom

Sharron said...

Just remind the girls what pushups build ... unless they don;t want those!?!?!?

Great idea to get the whole family on the action!

dhillman said...

Way to go Dunklee's! That is so awesome. Push-ups are hard! And so are sit-ups. I am adding those to my nightly routine. I hope you don't recogize me either because of how skinny I am!

Linda said...

Love the last picture! And the music is perfect for the occasion. Keep up the good work Dunklees!

Gretchen said...

I love that the girls are joining in. My boys will out push-up me any day.