Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

This year we had a great Thanksgiving holiday! We spent the morning at home watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It is pretty sad that I am more into it than the girls. We always watched the parade when I was growing up so it doesn't seem like Thanksgiving without it. We were in charge of the turkey and mashed potatoes this year so that went on in the background while we watched Santa come to town. For dinner we got together with 2 other families we are friends with. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and turkey dinner was AWESOME! After lunch, the ladies scanned the Black Friday ads and Rick taught all the kids to make catapults out of clothes pins, plastic spoons, and electrical tape. The kids loved it and mounted an all out marshmallow war against the army miniatures. It was hilarious to watch it all! After the catapult war, some more people came over and we had a dessert party. There was as much dessert as there was actual dinner! It was such a fun time and we are thankful for such wonderful friends!

I didn't manage to get a picture of the buffet table before we all ate, but here is the turkey fresh out of the oven. It makes me hungry just looking at it.

An unexpected dinner guest? Or is that Alexis?

The catapult specialist

Who will surrender first?

The battle continues

The dessert table - what's not to love!

P.S. My friend and I were among those crazy people at Target at 5am on Black Friday. We made it through 13 stores, McDonald's for breakfast, and Chipotle for lunch before we called it a day. Insane? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!


Sharron said...

Thanksgiving is so much better if there is more than just your own family there, isn't it? Glad that it was so nice. so how do you make those catapults? Sounds like a lot of fun . . and I do have some marshmallows begging right now :-D

Linda said...

Sounds like an absolutely fabulous Thanksgiving holiday. I love it that you are so happy!

dhillman said...

Sounds like a great day! We have some great memories of holidays with friends when family was far away--they still give us warm fuzzy feelings!
The marshmallow war looks so fun!
Good job on the turkey too.