Pumpkin carving took on a whole new meaning this year. I think the fact that we are always joking around that Julee is the only kid we know that has had a plastic surgeon since birth did not work in this poor pumpkin's favor...
The O.R. is prepped and ready to go. Note the neatly lined up surgical instruments.
Dr Alexis is ready to begin
A pose for the medical journals
Assistant surgeon Julee steps in to assist
The insides are exposed with a clean incision
Time to clean out the insides
Even a surgeon gets a little bit of a weak stomach sometimes
(I LOVE this picture!)
Not looking so good for the pumpkin at this point
The lines are drawn and incision marks are made
Pumpkin comes through surgery with flying colors - everything went as planned.
Kind of makes you wonder what happens while I'm away that doesn't get photographed huh?